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작동원리 및 최적화
100 만원

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▶Rust 교육 과정소개(커리큘럼) ◀

▶Rust Basic 커리큘럼 ◀ ↓ 밑에 세부정보(Details)를 클릭하시면 자세히 보실 수 있습니다. ↓
▶ Rust Basic ◀
Rust & vim 유료 강의 소개
코딩 세팅 터미널 세팅(alacritty) & Fishshell 세팅
Windows개발자인 경우 WSL2설치(linuxOS환경)
코딩 기초 설명 코딩의 원리 & 컴퓨터가 코드를 이해하는 방식
ASCII Table이해
2진법, 8진법, 16진법이해
모든 언어의 작동원리 tuple이해, reserved words
array, indexing작동원리
2d_array, 3d, 다차원
array에 저장하는 원리 이해하기
(알고리즘 및 머신러닝에 필수)
justfile로 다른 언어의
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Polyglot개발자가 되기 위한 훈련
C언어, C++, Java, Kotlin
컴파일 해보기
다양한 언어로 된 코드를 컴파일하는 원리 이해
러스트 추구하는 목표
C++과 똑같다.
Zero Cost Abstraction이해
러스트 오너쉽 개념 잡기 OwnerShip Rules & Borrowing Rules 이해
RAM의 작동 원리와 Stack & Heap개념 잡기
기본 문법

  The Rust Programming Language
 1. Getting Started
   1.1. Installation
   1.2. Hello, World!
   1.3. Hello, Cargo!
2. Programming a Fake Install
      & 시계구현(컴퓨터 시계로)
      & 이미지 만들어보기ppm(GUI틀만들기 기초)
3. Common Programming Concepts
   3.1. Variables and Mutability
   3.2. Data Types
   3.3. Functions
   3.5. Control Flow
4. Understanding Ownership
   4.1. What is Ownership?
   4.2. References and Borrowing
   4.3. The Slice Type
5. Using Structs to Structure Related Data
   5.1. Defining and Instantiating Structs
   5.2. An Example Program Using Structs
   5.3. Method Syntax
6. Enums and Pattern Matching
   6.1. Defining an Enum
   6.2. The match Control Flow Construct
   6.3. Concise Control Flow with if let
7. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules
   7.1. Packages and Crates
   7.2. Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy
   7.3. Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree
   7.4. Bringing Paths Into Scope with the use Keyword
   7.5. Separating Modules into Different Files
8. Common Collections
   8.1. Storing Lists of Values with Vectors
   8.2. Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings
   8.3. Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps
9. Error Handling
   9.1. Unrecoverable Errors with panic!
   9.2. Recoverable Errors with Result
   9.3. To panic! or Not to panic!
10. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes
   10.1. Generic Data Types
   10.2. Traits: Defining Shared Behavior
   10.3. Validating References with Lifetimes
11. Writing Automated Tests
   11.1. How to Write Tests
   11.2. Controlling How Tests Are Run
   11.3. Test Organization
12. An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program
   12.1. Accepting Command Line Arguments
   12.2. Reading a File
   12.3. Refactoring to Improve Modularity and Error Handling
   12.4. Developing the Library’s Functionality with Test Driven Development
   12.5. Working with Environment Variables
   12.6. Writing Error Messages to Standard Error Instead of Standard Output
13. Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures
   13.1. Closures: Anonymous Functions that Capture Their Environment
   13.2. Processing a Series of Items with Iterators
   13.3. Improving Our I/O Project
   13.4. Comparing Performance: Loops vs. Iterators
14. More about Cargo and
   14.1. Customizing Builds with Release Profiles
   14.2. Publishing a Crate to
   14.3. Cargo Workspaces
   14.4. Installing Binaries from with cargo install
   14.5. Extending Cargo with Custom Commands
15. Smart Pointers
   15.1. Using Box to Point to Data on the Heap
   15.2. Treating Smart Pointers Like Regular References with the Deref Trait
   15.3. Running Code on Cleanup with the Drop Trait
   15.4. Rc, the Reference Counted Smart Pointer
   15.5. RefCell and the Interior Mutability Pattern
   15.6. Reference Cycles Can Leak Memory
16. Fearless Concurrency
   16.1. Using Threads to Run Code Simultaneously
   16.2. Using Message Passing to Transfer Data Between Threads
   16.3. Shared-State Concurrency
   16.4. Extensible Concurrency with the Sync and Send Traits
17. Object Oriented Programming Features of Rust
   17.1. Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages
   17.2. Using Trait Objects That Allow for Values of Different Types
   17.3. Implementing an Object-Oriented Design Pattern
18. Patterns and Matching
   18.1. All the Places Patterns Can Be Used
   18.2. Refutability: Whether a Pattern Might Fail to Match
   18.3. Pattern Syntax
19. Advanced Features
   19.1. Unsafe Rust
   19.2. Advanced Traits
   19.3. Advanced Types
   19.4. Advanced Functions and Closures
   19.5. Macros
20. Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server
   20.1. Building a Single-Threaded Web Server
   20.2. Turning Our Single-Threaded Server into a Multithreaded Server
   20.3. Graceful Shutdown and Cleanup

Rust 고급 Traits
다양한 Traits 익히기
Static Dispatch VS. Dynamic Dispatch 이해하기
다양한 traits예시로 Traits감잡기
Traits를 적용한 오너쉽 설명
Rust 다양한 곳에 (Traits) 쓰는 예시를 경험 하며 러스트에 익숙해 지기
재주가 많은 Traits는 러스트의 꽃
Rust 알고리즘 기초
디자인패턴 러스트 기초만
간단한 알고리즘 stack, pop 등등 언어별로 비교해 가면서 만들기
본인이 만들고 싶은거
만드는 과정
지금까지 배운 러스트로 본인 만들고 싶은거 만들기


Last update: 07-Jan-2025